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The National Information Agency «Natural Resources» (NIA-Priroda)

The NIA-Priroda is a leading Russian national agency in the nature management and environment was established pursuant to the Order of the Minister of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation № 170 to 23.10.97 (at the present time – the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology, Minpriroda in Russian term).


Main agencies projects are:

—   development of the national environmental internet-portal www.priroda.ru with the on-line services: news, internet-resources catalogue, virtual library, list of law documents and so on.

—   development systematic encyclopaedic edition in 96 volumes entitled “The natural resources and environment of Russian Federation subjects” describing all kinds of natural resources - water, mine, forest and other resources with texts, tables and pictures.


The basic tasks of the NIA-Priroda are:

—   an explanation of policy and high lighting of activity of the Minpiroda of Russia and departments of the nature resources unit in mass media;

—   informational - analytical support of activity of the Minpiroda of Russia to ensure coordination of a natural resources complex;

—   operative distribution of the organisation-administrative information and normative - methodical documents of the Minpiroda of Russia and other departments of the natural-resources complex;

—   formation and development of an interdepartmental system of information exchange in the natural-resources complex;

—   interaction with MASS-MEDIA and press services of state bodies;

—   distribution of needed and reliable information on a condition of natural resources and the environment through own MASS-MEDIA’s;

—   public participation during preparation and taking of administrative decisions;

—   elaboration and introduction of modern methods and means of accumulation, collection, analysis, processing and distribution of information on natural-resources and social - ecological problems;

—   the complex and detailed analysis of information of the natural-resources unit;

—   participation in the preparation of conceptual and program documents on regulation of nature management;

—   informational - educational activity in the Russian and foreign public;

—   informational - legal support of the population;

—   monitoring of public opinion and publications in MASS-MEDIA;

—   preparation of analytical reviews on concrete objects under individual orders.

—   data on each kind of natural resources and on the environment all subjects of the Russian Federation;

—   practical guidelines on the organisation of nature management and nature protection activity;

—   reviews of scientific and technological literature;

—   the state and prospects for the development of researches in the natural-resources complex;

—   trends of world markets of natural raw material and materials;

—   prediction of production (mining) and consumption of natural resources in Russia;

—   advanced and perspective technologies and "know-how" in the area of rational management of nature;

—   information on organisations, divisions(subdivisions), cooperatives and individual scientists and experts working in the natural-resources complex;

—   information on international and Russian non-governmental agencies.


Operation of the WWW–services with continuous updating of eventful information:

The environmental national internet-portal "Priroda" (www.priroda.ru).



The All-Russia weekly newspaper "The natural resources sheets" (circulation-10 thousand copies, format А2, 8 pages. There are №№ 1-343 from 1998 till 2009).

The quarterly bulletin "Usage and protection of natural resources in Russia" (subscription index - 79356, circulation-1 thousand copies, volume-20 printed sheets. There are №№ 1-104 from 1998 till 2009).



—   For 12 years of existence the NIA-Priroda has prepared and published about 700 names of book products, e.g.:

—   "Informational - analytical support of activity of the Ministries and establishments of the natural-resources unit ".

—   The National report “On the state of water objects in Russia” (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008)

—   The state report “On the state of the environment of Russia in 2004” in popular form.

—   The analytical report "Natural resources and the environment in Russia" (1999, 2001).

—   The analytical review "Natural resources of the world» (2002).

—   The analytical review "Natural resources of the CIS’s countries" (2002).

—   Federal atlas “Natural resources and environment of Russia” (2002)

—   Natural protected areas of the Russian Federation (statistical compendium, 2003).

—   State report “On environmental condition of Moscow city’ (1995, 1996, 1997, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005)

—   State report “On environmental condition of Moscow district (oblast)’ (2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008).

—   Atlas of the Republic of Tatarstan (2005).

—   The analytical review "Game resources of the Russian Federation" (2004).

—   Forest fires in the Russian Federation (Statistical directory, 2005).

—   Water resources of Russia (statistical compendium, 2006, 2007, 2008)

—   Atlas of the water resources of Russia (2005, 2006)

—   The reference book "Natural resources of Russia", containing statistical data on the natural resources potential of the country.

—   The collection "Normative - methodical documents of the Russian Federation: natural resources and the environment" (in 10 volumes) (2004).

—   The big collection "Natural resources of the Russian Federation’s regions" in 96 volumes containing information in each subject of the Federation about climatic, water, land, wood, recreational, biological and mineral resources and the environment (1997 – 2009).

—   Atlas "Natural resources and the environment of Russia" (National award by the Government of Russia in 2004).

—   A series of the terminological dictionaries – reference book on natural resources.


Other projects:

Formation of a federal-regional cadastre of natural resources:

Organisation of an electronic library.

Creation of a fund for video and audio materials on natural resources.


Director of NIA-Priroda,

Dr. Biol. Sc., prof., full member of the International and Russian ecological academies

Nikolay G. Ribalsky


The address:

108811, NIA-Priroda, PO Box 1627, GP Moskovskiy, Moscow, Russian Federation

Phone/fax: +7 (903) 721-43-65

E-mail: nia_priroda@mail.ru


Бюллетень «Использование и охрана природных ресурсов в России»

© 1998-2024, Национальное информационное агентство «Природные ресурсы». При перепечатке ссылка на источник обязательна
Адрес: 108811, г. Москва, г.п. Московский, п/я 1627, НИА-Природа
Тел.: 8 (903) 721-43-65, e-mail: nia_priroda@mail.ru