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2017 / 1


Common Problems of Nature Management

Information Technology – Infrastructure of the «Green» Economy

O.I. Gassieva, Can.Sc (Economy), I.K. Huzmiev, Prof.-Dr.Sc. (Economy), the North Caucasus Mining-Metallurgical

Institute (State Technical University), A.V. Shevchuk, Dr.Sc (Economy), the Productive Force Research Council of the Ministry of Economic Development, the Presidium of the Russian Ecological Academy

Future placement will be based on a economy based on a network of decentralized local low-cost technologies. The network infrastructure is largely determined by the communication between the external environment and its internal elements, which are based on information technology. Emerging network paradigm for the development of society requires the development of network monitoring systems, management and decision making for example mobile communications and the Internet. In this regard, information technology is becoming the main infrastructure of the coming new technological way of life.

Keywords: infrastructure, network systems, sustainable development, linear programming, «green» economy.


Mineral Resources

Groundwater in Water Resources and Water Balance of the River’s Dnieper Basin

M.M. Cherepanskiy1, Dr.Sc. (Geology), O.A. Karimova2, Can.Sc. (Geology), A.K. Karabanov3, the Academician, the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), the Republic of Belarus, N.M. Tomina3, I.S. Zektser4, Prof.-Dr.Sc. (Geology)4

1the Russian State Geological Prospecting University n. a. Ordzhonikidzе (MGRI-RSGPU), 2FGBU «Gidrospetsgeologiya», 3the Institute of Nature Management, the NAS, the Republic of Belarus, 4the Institute of Water Problems, the Russian Academy of Sciences

The article discusses the assessment of the groundwater’s role in water resources of Belarusian and Russian part of the Dnieper river basin within the Moscow artesian basin. The climatic, hydrological and geological-hydrogeological conditions of the Dnieper river basin are given. There is also provided characteristic of the main aquifers within the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus is provided. Zoning with the allocation of the main aquifers involved into the formation of underground flow is done too. An improved methodological approach to assessment of the groundwater’s role in water resources and water balance as a component of the total flow, taking into account new hydrological and hydrogeological information in a changing climate conditions is proposed with the estimation of groundwater’s flow changes unloading in the rivers during the groundwater abstraction.

Keywords: groundwater flow, river flow, module of the groundwater flow, coefficient of the rivers underground supply, water balance, impact of groundwater’s abstraction.

Water Resources

An Integrated Approach to the Treatment of Ship-Generated Waste to Ensure Environmental Safety of River and Sea Fleet

V.K. Novikov, Prof.-Dr.Sc. (Engineer.), I.A. Minaeva, Can.Sc. (Engineer.), M.V. Romanova, postgraduate student, the Moscow State Academy of Water Transport

At the base of system analysis there is clarified the situation of pollution of water environment by sewage, oily bilge waters and garbage during ships operation. The legal framework for the protection of the water environment at the international and national level is examined. There is done a comparative analysis of the existing structure of a system of dealing with the shipboard wastes, technologies and equipment used for their processing. The disadvantages impeding to ensure the environmental safety of functioning of water transport according international and national requirements are exposed too. Proposals on ways of improvement of the existing system of ship waste handling suggested are formulated.

Keywords: water environment, water transport, pollution, environmental protection equipment.


Land Resources and Soils

Analysis of the Dynamics of Changes in the Cadastral Value of Land in the City of Moscow

A.P. Sizov, Prof.-Dr.Sc. (Engineer.), the Head, the Department of Cadastre and Land Law Foundations, O.V. Miklashevskaya, Can.Sc. (Engineer.), I.S. Mishina, the Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK)

In this article considers the dynamics of changes in the cadastral value of real estate object on the territory of Moscow, introduced the concept of value growth specific indicator of cadastral cost of lands, graphically illustrates the increase in the share index of the cadastral value of land in the territory of Moscow considering joining with 01.07.2012 Moscow region. Also examines the key legal documents governing the establishment of cadastral cost on the territory of Moscow.

Keywords: cadastral value, tax on immovable property, specific indicator of cadastral value, cadastral assessment, moratorium on the conduct of cadastral valuation, measure of the rate of change of the specific indicator of cadastral cost of lands.

Forest Resources

About Global Accounting the World’s Forests

A.I. Pisarenko, the Academician, the Russian Society of Foresters, V.V. Strahov, Dr.Sc. (Agricul.), the All-Russian Research Institute for Forestry and Mechanization (VNIILM)

The article is discussed in detail the history of the global accounting (registered) forests, implemented by FAO, since 1946. The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the decisions of FAO to maintain and enhance FAO’s capacity to deliver on a continuous basis, information on the status of forest resources in the world. The authors suggest that further improvement of GFRA (Global Forest Resources Assessment), FAO established, due to the increase in quality and specification of the number of countries provided information, such as through the introduction of uniform systems of monitoring and evaluation of national forest resources. It is advisable to increase the frequency of updating information on a number of parameters (area of forest, growing stock, the stock of carbon in forests, etc.). The authors note that the list of information that requires virtually annual update includes the following items: 1) information on the rates of deforestation and degradation of national forests, 2) the dynamics of forest carbon stocks, 3) the dynamics of forest plantations on land that had no forest cover, 4) evaluation of the role of forests in protecting soil and water resources and livelihoods.

Keywords: forest, forest resources, global forest accounting, forest resources assessment, national forest resources, FAO.

Biological Resources of Land

Use Flora Botlikh District as Food Plants

S.O. Omarova, Can.Sc. (Biology), Z.M. Mansurova, the senior assistant, the Department of Botany, the Dagestan State University

Еdible wild species that in Dagestan traditionally has been widely used in food as fresh and processed products. Food plants have always been an important tool in the human diet. There are losting ancient recipes of food processing plants, from which the cuisine loses its traditional flavor. This artical is devoted to the study of food plants of the Dagestan domestic mountain.

Keywords: flora of the domestic mountain of Dagestan, food plants, cuisine, recipes, classification of food plants.


Climatic Resources

Objective classification of El Niño

E.N. Voskresenskaya, Prof.-Dr.Sc. (Geograph.), the Deputy Director, A.S. Lubkov, O.V. Marchukova, the Federal State Institute of Natural and Technical Systems

The objective spatial-temporal classification of El Niño events was done in the artical. The classification was based on the HadSSТ data on sea surface temperature (SST) for the period 1871-2015 using cluster analyses approach. As a result of classification two types of El Niño were identified. Identified types differ fundamentally one from another in the month of the beginning of the events and in space distribution of SST anomalies in the Equatorial Pacific during the events beginning and in their mature phase. The typical features of the selected El-Niño types were described.

Keywords: El Niño classification, spatial-temporal characteristics, sea surface temperature, Equatorial Pacific.


Recreational Resources and Special Protected Natural Areas

Protection of Wetlands in Western Siberia

N.M. Semenova, Can.Sc. (Geograph.), the Tomsk State University

There is a brief overview of the natural features, conditions of economic development and human-induced conversion of natural landscapes of Western Siberia in connection with widespread bogs and other wetlands. Identify problems and prospects of territorial nature protection in the region. The main directions and results of the protection of wetlands are formulated. The analysis of the existing network of Ramsar sites in Western Siberia is done too. Particular attention is paid to the territorial protection of the Great Vasyugan swamp - a unique wetland system of the Northern hemisphere of the planet. There is considered the precedent submission strongly marshy landscapes of the West Siberian Plain in the list of UNESCO World Heritage sites.

Keywords: wetlands, swamps, protected areas, Ramsar sites, World Heritage sites, Western Siberia.


Environmental Protection

Environmental Indicator of Competitiveness of Knowledge-Based Engineering Production

S.N. Bykov, Can.Sc. (Engineer.), the Department of Technical Support of Agroindustrial Complex, the Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute

The purpose of research is to develop an expert environmental indicator for the assessment of knowledge-based engineering production. On the basis of developed indicator a comparative assessment of the competitiveness of domestic and foreign self-propelled sprayers used in the Siberian region was carried out. Correlation and regression analysis of the environmental indicator, which showed relatively high correlation of its values with the rank of country of origin at the specified index, was completed. It was recommended to use developed indicator and methods of its analysis for all kinds of knowledge-based engineering production at all stages of the life cycle.

Keywords: environmental indicator, assessment of competitiveness, knowledge-based engineering products, selfpropelled sprayer, International Environmental Performance Index, technical characteristics, correlation coefficient.

Innovative Approach in Creating Industry Recycling of Consumption in Commodity Production

Y.V. Mihailov, Dr.Sc. (Engineer.), S.A. Stepanov, Prof.-Dr.Sc. (Pedagog.), the International Independent Ecological-Political University

In the article isconsidered overhaul to the municipal solid waste (MSW), and the transition on this basis to their industrial processing to obtain marketable materials and products. The concept «Innovative Approach in Creating the Industry of Processing Waste Consumption in Commercial Production. Moscow Should Become a Cultural Centre of Waste Management» provides for new approaches to attract population and business to the collection, sorting and transportation of MSW in the capital city; recycling them into high-yielding raw materials, the rejection of methods of disposal in landfills and incineration. Innovative technological solutions in MSW management and information and communication technologies in the work of the new Institute of local operators for the treatment of MSW also are offered.

Keywords: municipal solid waste, innovative approach, collection, sorting, transportation, recycling raw materials, landfill, incineration, local operator.

Geodesy and Cartography

Reconstruction and Verification of Normative Logic, Using the Cartographic Method of Research

E.A. Kravets, Can.Sc. (Engineer.), the Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK)

In the article, the draft resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation «On approval of peculiarities of compensation of harm caused to forests and are in their natural bodies by violations of natural law» are considered with the use of methodical bases of cartographic method. This document is analyzed in terms of differentiation of tariffs for calculating the extent of damage caused to forests, timber harvesting in which is not allowed. The map is compiled, a comparison with the existing principles of forest legislation and forest zoning completed. Certain discrepancies according to the principles are identified and recommendations for their correction are formulated.

Keywords: tariffs, the extent of the damage, forest areas, normative logic.





Environmental Education in the Russian Federation – a Journey of 25 Years: History, Status and Prospects (The continuous of the article. The beginning in bulletin № 4, 2016)

N.G. Rybalsky1,2, Prof.-Dr.Sc. (Biology), E.D. Samotesov1, E.V. Kolesova2,3, Can.Sc. (Pedagog.), L.V. Popova4, Dr.Sc. (Pedagog.), S.A. Stepanov2,5, Prof.-Dr.Sc. (Pedagog.), V.R. Khrisanov2,6, Can.Sc. (Geograph.), S.A. Kruglova6

1the National Information Agency «Natural Resources» (NIA-Priroda), 2the Presidium of the Russian Ecological Academy, 3the Environmental Educational Center «Vorobiyovi Gori» (HPBU «Mospiroda»), 4the Museum of Eearth (MSU named M.V. Lomonosov), 5the International Independent Ecological-Political University, 6the Institute of Fundamental Problems of Biology (RAS)

The article presents a 25-year-old history of the formation of the environmental situation in the Russian Federation, as of 1 January 2016 for environmental education in the country: educational institutions (preschool, school education), additional children education (including the All-Russian Olympiad in ecology), secondary and higher professional environmental education. Given the onset of the Year of Ecology in Russia, in the light of the implementation of the principles of the state policy in the field of environmental development of Russia until 2030 presented proposals to improve environmental education in the country.

Keywords: environmental education, formation of ecological culture, preschool, school and additional environmental education, environmental professional education, environmental education for sustainable development.

Human Society and Nature

The Rational Forecast and Sociological Empiricist: Society and Nature

AI.A. Sosunova, Prof.-Dr.Sc. (Sociolog.), the Vice-President, the Russian Society of Sociologists, National Informational Agency «Natural Resourses»

This article is considered actual issues of socium-nature relations. System and inter-disciplinary approaches are used for the study. The significance of socio-ecological realities and their specifics in conditions of contemporary societies are highlighted.

Keywords: ecology, social-ecological realities, stratification, anthropo-ecological system, system approach.


Calendar of Events

Ist International Environmental Forum in Crimea «CRIMEA – ECOLOGICAL AND ECONOMIC REGION. SPACE NOOSPHERE DEVELOPMENT» (Sevastopol, June 20-24, 2017)

XII Far Eastern Conference on the Nature Reserve Business (Birobidzhan, October 10-13, 2017)



T.A. Larina On the new monograph «The River Terek: hydrography and flow regime» from the series «Rivers and Lakes of the South of Russia»

V.V. Snakin A new interdisciplinary scientific and practical journal «The Life of the Earth»

State Report «On the State and on the Protection of the Environment of the Russian Federation in 2015»

The Report «Analysis of the Implementation of the State Policy Tasks in the Field of Environmental Development and Relevant Orders of the President of the Russian Federation»

State Report «On the State and Use of Water Resources of the Russian Federation in 2015»

Statistical Handbook «Water Resources and Water Management of Russia in 2015»

Statistical Handbook «Environmental Protection in Russia. 2016»

Бюллетень «Использование и охрана природных ресурсов в России»

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